Our mission is to revolutionize organizational cultures. Well-being & self-care first. When a person feels good, they have more to give, both in professional and personal lives. When the body and mind gets the attention and practise it craves for, it is likely to spark more creativity and enhance productivity.
Yoga and meditation helps in gaining deeper self-knowledge. Work gets more meaning when you know your personal values. There’s more courage to speak up, to question, to be curious and willing to learn and continue educating yourself. Win win win for everyone.

VIRTA Well-being is 6,5 months young now. We’ve worked with numerous organizations that truly care of their people and a school that care about their young pupils. We wish all our cases could be public references, but let’s just say that we could only dream of such a welcoming response for our services from the market so fast. We are incredibly grateful for the opportunity to bring yoga and meditation to organizational cultures for our clients.
Now we are beyond excited that our team is growing. Several human beings that we look up to and have inspired us for quite some time already, will be joining our forces. Yoga & meditation teachers as well as speakers with truly out-of-the-box expertise and insight. We can’t wait to share these exiciting news to you soon! Good things are coming. Spring is time for new beginnings, new intentions, new projects.
Are you feeling the growing of new energy that Spring is bringing?